Atiba de Souza is a renowned Super Connector and video content Superman. Atiba shares his revolutionary approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of relationships and networking as the foundation of successful business ventures. His unique method, the CASE method, is highlighted as a game-changer for scaling teams and transforming leadership from an art to a science.

Atiba recounts a pivotal moment when, after a conference, he returned to find his team stalled, awaiting his direction. This experience ignited a transformative journey, culminating in the development of the CASE method, a tool designed to empower leaders to delegate effectively, ensuring continuous growth and scalability. Through a detailed breakdown of the CASE method, Atiba illustrates how leaders can replicate their skills within their teams, fostering independence and efficiency.

Craig Andrews and Atiba de Souza's conversation is not just about overcoming leadership challenges; it's a testament to the power of introspection, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of growth, both personal and professional.

Want to learn more about Atiba de Souza's work? Check out their website at

Connect with Atiba de Souza on LinkedIn at

Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at

Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at


Key Points

  • 00:01:18 - 00:01:51 - The importance of relationships in business: Atiba's philosophy centers on building relationships to share, connect, and serve, turning networking into an art form.
  • 00:03:14 - 00:04:44 - The catalyst for change: A pivotal event in San Diego reveals the need for a new approach to team management and leadership.
  • 00:12:25 - 00:13:15 - Development of the CASE method: Atiba details the creation of the CASE method, aimed at delegating tasks and empowering teams effectively.
  • 00:13:16 - 00:23:24 - Implementing the CASE method: Atiba explains the steps of the CASE method, emphasizing the process of questioning, studying, and iterating for continuous improvement.
  • 00:24:22 - 00:27:21 - Impact of the CASE method: Reflections on how the method has transformed Atiba's team and leadership style, aiming for continuous replacement of oneself.


00;00;00;00 - 00;00;30;20
Craig Andrews
I was in a coma for six weeks while the doctors told my wife I was going to die. When I woke up, she told me the most fantastic story. My team kept running the business without me. Freelancers reached out to my team and said, we will do whatever it takes. As long as Craig's in the hospital. I consider that the greatest accomplishment of my career.

00;00;30;23 - 00;00;51;10
Craig Andrews
My name is Craig Andrews and this is the Leaders and Legacies podcast where we talk to leaders creating an impact beyond themselves. At the end of today's interview, I'll tell you how you can be the next leader featured on the show.

00;00;51;26 - 00;01;18;07
Craig Andrews
Well, welcome. Today's guest. His name is Atiba D'Souza. I met Atiba over a year ago and, it's hard to miss him. When you're in a room with Atiba, you will know that you are in a room with Atiba, and we have the pleasure of having him in our room today. And leaders and legacies. He is known as the Super Connector and video content Superman.

00;01;18;10 - 00;01;51;06
Craig Andrews
He believes that the true power in business lies in building relationships grounded in pure intentions to connect, to share, and to serve. In fact, he has turned networking into an art form. At the core of Atiba philosophy is the conviction that relationships are the two true bedrock of successful business ventures. Atiba is so good to have you here today on leaders and legacy.

00;01;51;08 - 00;01;52;12
Craig Andrews
Thanks for joining us.

00;01;52;15 - 00;01;56;06
Atiba de Souza
Right, buddy. Great to be back with you, as always.

00;01;56;08 - 00;02;14;26
Craig Andrews
Yeah. Well, the, so we met originally and, digital marketers, M3 mastermind, and I've had the chance to hear you talk, several times. And you always, you always bring great insights.

00;02;14;28 - 00;02;17;12
Atiba de Souza
Oh. Thank you.

00;02;17;14 - 00;02;42;14
Craig Andrews
And as a matter of fact, I knew you were coming to Austin because I got an invitation from you saying, hey, let's grab dinner. Yep. And, and so for those that are listening, when Tiba says he brings networking to an art form, what came in the email was a video message that was addressed to me, actually had him calling out my name, and it was inviting me to dinner.

00;02;42;17 - 00;03;02;10
Craig Andrews
And it's hard to imagine something more warming and more welcoming, than that. And so the challenge with Atiba is he had so much wisdom to share. We're not going to be able to cover everything today. The thing that we're going to talk about is, a method for scaling teams, he said, you know what? This is leaders and legacies.

00;03;02;10 - 00;03;14;08
Craig Andrews
And I think I think I have a message that will be important. I've actually had the advantage of hearing this. But what I haven't heard is there's apparently a story behind this that began in a hotel room somewhere.

00;03;14;11 - 00;03;43;13
Atiba de Souza
Yes, yes there is. so it happened. And first, thank you for those kind words. really appreciate it. And I appreciate being here, my friend. so it happened just over three years ago when the world was just opening back up after Covid, and I went to my first in-person event. Right. conference San Diego. excited because the world had opened back up, was gone for a week.

00;03;43;16 - 00;04;05;02
Atiba de Souza
At the time, our team was six people. Six. Four of them were core. Two of them had just started in the last couple of weeks before that. So they were really, really new, but four really key people. Okay, at the beginning of the week before, as I was leaving, I had a meeting with everyone. I said, hey, I'm going to be gone.

00;04;05;04 - 00;04;44;22
Atiba de Souza
Here's what we're working on, here's what needs to get done. Here's the progress that the the be add this week. It's a typical thing that you do as a leader of an organization, as a manager, as a boss. Most people would say, yeah, you did the right thing right? I thought I did. I went to the event, had a fantastic time, spent time visioning the next three years and the growth that the company was going to go through over the next three years, and where we were going to go and all the wonderful things we were going to be able to accomplish over the next three years.

00;04;44;24 - 00;05;16;29
Atiba de Souza
And I came back to the team, fresh vision in mind to share it with them. And I started with, all right, let's do a recap of the last week. And you know, this stuff that you got done. And to a person, they all said, oh, we were waiting for you. We got to this point and we waited for you and we didn't finish anything on the list.

00;05;17;01 - 00;05;41;20
Craig Andrews
Wow. Now I you know, the challenge I would have at that moment, I, I think I would have to turn around, walk out the room, go for a run, maybe go chop some lumber and then come back and have the conversation right.

00;05;41;22 - 00;05;53;06
Atiba de Souza
And I bet that everyone listening to us right now, you'd probably feel this exact same way. yeah. I was pissed off.

00;05;53;08 - 00;06;18;19
Atiba de Souza
I was hot because here I am with this grand vision, and we can't get through a week. And I'm thinking, how are we going to get there? What in the world are we going to do? Where did I go wrong? What in the world? This is not good. And so yes, I didn't go for a run. I didn't chop any lumber.

00;06;18;26 - 00;06;38;05
Atiba de Souza
I did bite my tongue in the meeting and got through the meeting and my head was hurting. Like my head is hurting right now. Remembering it hurt that much. But here's what I want to do though. Is that the fun part? Let's fast forward three years. Remember I told you there were four key people?

00;06;38;07 - 00;06;38;27
Craig Andrews

00;06;38;29 - 00;07;08;16
Atiba de Souza
In the last three years, one of those key people left. he left because his aunt died. Left him a bunch of money. And so, God bless him, good for him. The other three people are still with me today, and they have become department heads of different divisions in my company. Three years later. Wow. So they didn't change.

00;07;08;18 - 00;07;11;13
Atiba de Souza
Guess who had to change?

00;07;11;15 - 00;07;14;22
Craig Andrews
And for those that are listening, Tim is pointing at his chest.

00;07;14;23 - 00;07;44;11
Atiba de Souza
Yes, yes, sorry. Yes, I'm pointing to me. I had to change who I had to change. And that's one of the biggest things. and we'll get into some of this today. But we as a leaders have to realize when we're not getting what it is that we want, when we're not getting what it is that we need from our teams 99% of the time, it's our fault.

00;07;44;13 - 00;07;49;08
Atiba de Souza
We need to grow. We need to change. We need to be better.

00;07;49;11 - 00;08;16;05
Craig Andrews
You know, if we just clip that, there's amazing wisdom. And I would say that you don't even have to be the leader of an organization. But if we could look at every opportunity where something goes wrong as an opportunity to say what was in my power, yeah, to have effected a different outcome. Yes, that's the essence. I mean, that's at the core.

00;08;16;06 - 00;08;19;18
Craig Andrews
That's essential ingredient of transformational growth.

00;08;19;21 - 00;08;50;13
Atiba de Souza
Yes it is. It is the challenge though is we get so wrapped up in ourselves and in situations that we can't survive past the end of our noses. And it makes us very insular and very selfish in the way we look at things. The hard part coming out of that conversation was me actually having to leave, if you will.

00;08;50;17 - 00;09;20;22
Atiba de Souza
My own body and look at the situation and objectively actually see it as if I wasn't part of it, then find the way forward and listen. It's not easy. There's nothing about this that's easy. It's hard, it's difficult. And I go through and it's a continually continual process of growth, okay. And it's not easy. It's not for the faint of heart.

00;09;20;25 - 00;09;36;05
Atiba de Souza
But that's also why we chose to do what we do. That is also the essence of the legacy that we're creating, because we are doing the thing that nobody else wants to do. Then nobody else dared to do.

00;09;36;07 - 00;09;40;27
Atiba de Souza
Yeah, make a difference in a change. And that is where legacy comes from.

00;09;40;29 - 00;09;47;25
Craig Andrews
Yeah, absolutely. So what did you do?

00;09;47;27 - 00;10;11;25
Atiba de Souza
Okay, so this has been a labor of love y'all. and it's not been easy. And I'm not at all trying to tell you that what happened here was I had that ridiculous experience with the staff, had this moment of seeing myself in clarity, and all of this came to me. No, no, no, no, no, it's not at all the way it worked.

00;10;11;29 - 00;10;30;23
Atiba de Souza
It took about a year and a half, okay. Took about a year and a half of work for what I'm about to share with you. And, and in that time I reached out to, well, I first I heard, a message from, one individual whose name is now slipped in my mind.

00;10;30;26 - 00;10;34;29
Atiba de Souza
It will come back to me, y'all. But here's here's what he said. Here's what he said.

00;10;35;01 - 00;10;39;05
Craig Andrews
Well, we'll call him Gandhi for. We'll just say you were talking to Gandhi.

00;10;39;07 - 00;11;00;22
Atiba de Souza
Though. That's way too kind for him. He's not. Yeah. And this is way too kind for him. But he, he said from, from states that I heard, and it hit me like a ton of bricks, because it happened a couple months after that meeting in the hotel. He said in his business, and he's running a $100 million business.

00;11;00;25 - 00;11;26;02
Atiba de Souza
He replaces himself every 120 days. he says he doesn't work more than two days a week, and he's replacing himself every hundred and 20 days. And I said, hold on. You're telling me this? But he said, my key to success has been this. This is how I've grown to $100 million, as said. Well, I'm not at $100 million.

00;11;26;05 - 00;11;51;23
Atiba de Souza
and this is what you did. How the heck does that work? How what does that look like? Because clearly you've gotten your staff to do stuff when I'm not getting my staff to do anything and you're replacing yourself. So it hit me like a ton of bricks. So I had that on one hand. And then on the other hand, I had conversations with Richard Lindner from, Digital Marketing.

00;11;51;25 - 00;12;25;29
Atiba de Souza
And Richard shared a ton of things with me and, and taught me a ton. And it was his lessons, plus the fight for 120 days merging together that led me to develop what I have now started calling the case method, the case method, and what the case method does. Y'all, is it helps you with those areas of your business that you think only you can do.

00;12;26;01 - 00;12;57;07
Atiba de Souza
See, we're all there. We're all in that place where we think we're artists. And maybe you never use the term artist to define yourself, but you have used the term. I'm the only one who can. I'm the best at that. So that's why it always gets left to me. If you're there in your business and we all are, the case method helps you figure out how to take those things that you think are art, a repeatable process, and turn it into a repeatable process.

00;12;57;09 - 00;13;13;07
Atiba de Souza
The things that you think that you just innately do and show you how to turn it into science. But you can then teach to your team and have them perform at your level. That's what I've developed.

00;13;13;09 - 00;13;15;28
Craig Andrews
That's powerful. how does it work?

00;13;16;00 - 00;13;40;29
Atiba de Souza
Real simple. And this is the thing, this is not rocket science. And that's the thing that hit me. And most things aren't right. So here's how it works. I want you to think about something that you make the statement, only I can do this. I'm the best at this. That's why I have to do it. I can't hand it off because nobody does it like me.

00;13;41;02 - 00;14;09;03
Atiba de Souza
Find the thing that fill in the blank there, right of whatever it is in your business. But you feel that way about. And I want you to write that down on a piece of paper. Then after you've written it down, I want you to stop and just for a moment ask yourself, what are the steps that I go through to pull this off and just write down whatever comes to mind, whatever that may be.

00;14;09;05 - 00;14;25;06
Atiba de Souza
Maybe tools that you use and maybe conversations that you have to have with certain people, maybe information that you need, whatever it is, just write down the steps. That's the first piece. Okay.

00;14;25;08 - 00;14;50;16
Atiba de Souza
Now comes the fun part. I want you to find someone on your staff that you believe should, based on their trajectory in your company, be able to do what you do. Okay, so maybe you're a, excellent salesperson and you have to do all the sales in your company, but you have an assistant. Well, the assistant should be able to grow into being a salesperson.

00;14;50;19 - 00;15;13;07
Atiba de Souza
Great. Identify that person. And you're going to say, hey, listen, I do this thing and only I can do it right now. I've written out the steps and here all the steps that I've written out, here's the outcome that is this process should have that would say, you did it right, and I want you to go off and do it.

00;15;13;07 - 00;15;25;28
Atiba de Souza
So you're telling someone else, I want you to go off and do it. You give them the steps that you wrote out and tell them, go do it. Now, Frank, let me be honest with you. They're going to screw it up.

00;15;26;01 - 00;15;28;09
Craig Andrews

00;15;28;11 - 00;15;38;21
Atiba de Souza
Okay. They're going to screw it up. And you expect them to screw it up. Matter of fact, I tell my staff, I expect you to get this wrong.

00;15;38;24 - 00;16;01;01
Atiba de Souza
And it's okay. It's okay because it creates a baseline. So they're going to go off and do that thing. Whatever that thing is, they're going to come back to you with their output, their result, and it's going to be wrong. And you're not going to react and you're not going to say, this is wrong. Instead, you're going to ask them for questions.

00;16;01;03 - 00;16;05;24
Atiba de Souza
And this is the case method for questions. Correct. You ready for this?

00;16;05;26 - 00;16;06;23
Craig Andrews

00;16;06;26 - 00;16;18;06
Atiba de Souza
Okay. Question number one. What challenge did you have when doing this.

00;16;18;08 - 00;16;43;21
Atiba de Souza
What challenge did you have when doing this. They're going to tell you well you know I found it really hard to do X or Y or Z maybe have a bunch of different challenges that they they list for you. Your role. Listen. Take notes. That's it. Saying nothing. Don't comment. Don't say that. Shouldn't have been that hard. Don't say, oh, I get why that's hard.

00;16;43;25 - 00;17;07;26
Atiba de Souza
Don't say, oh, that's because you did it wrong. Don't nothing. You say nothing. Yeah. I remember, when I finally went back and presented this to, for in front of Richard Lindner after I, pulled all this together, Richard got on stage after me and said I was with him until he said, say nothing. That would be so hard.

00;17;07;28 - 00;17;41;03
Atiba de Souza
And yes, it is. It is very hard. But it is crucial and you'll understand why in just a moment. It is crucial that at this moment you say nothing. You just write the notes, just take in whatever it is that they say. So that's question number one. After you get through that, you go to question number two. And question number two is you asked them to articulate the steps that they took in order to produce the output.

00;17;41;05 - 00;17;43;05
Atiba de Souza

00;17;43;07 - 00;17;56;05
Atiba de Souza
Don't care that you gave them steps. It doesn't matter. Don't ask them to go through the steps you gave. And how did you do it? No. Ask them to articulate exactly what they did and write down what they said.

00;17;56;08 - 00;18;02;14
Craig Andrews
So see, as for the challenges they faced, yes, A is ask the steps they took.

00;18;02;17 - 00;18;03;02
Atiba de Souza

00;18;03;02 - 00;18;07;04
Craig Andrews
Articulate. Yeah. Yep. Okay, I'm with you.

00;18;07;06 - 00;18;36;04
Atiba de Souza
Okay. Hey, so you're articulating the steps. You're not saying anything. You're not commenting. You're not saying, oh, that was right or that was wrong or nothing. You say nothing. You're just writing the steps. You're taking it all in. The most that you can ask them would be anything else. Okay. That's it. Okay. Bite your tongue. Put tape over your mouth, whatever it takes.

00;18;36;06 - 00;19;06;18
Atiba de Souza
If you're doing it on zoom, put yourself on mute. Turn off the camera. Okay. Don't say anything. That three. But three as we study and deep dive. That's the s and case study. Now what do we study. Well we're going to go back to step two. In the steps that they articulated. And you're going to choose a couple points where you know what they did was wrong.

00;19;06;20 - 00;19;30;26
Atiba de Souza
And you're going to choose a couple points where you know what they did was right. Now pay attention here. I didn't say go through the entire thing step by step. No, you choose a couple where they did it right, a couple where they did it wrong. I want a deep dive and ask them okay. So in this step here.

00;19;30;26 - 00;19;42;22
Atiba de Souza
Step four you not going to tell them if they did it right or wrong okay. Stop four why did you do it this way. What were you thinking about. And you want to deep dive into what they were thinking?

00;19;42;24 - 00;19;49;02
Craig Andrews
Okay, so let's back up here a little bit to see is challenges they faced. Yeah. Hey. Is articulate.

00;19;49;08 - 00;19;52;16
Atiba de Souza
Yes. As a study.

00;19;52;18 - 00;19;56;09
Craig Andrews
As as study. Yes. And then our last letter E.

00;19;56;10 - 00;19;58;00
Atiba de Souza
But we haven't got to E yet.

00;19;58;02 - 00;19;58;22
Craig Andrews
Oh okay.

00;19;58;23 - 00;20;27;00
Atiba de Souza
All right. The one we still want us. Right. We're still in this study phase. We're going to go through a couple steps. They did right a couple steps they did wrong. We want to understand the way they think okay okay. Here's why. Because at the moment in time when they're going through those steps that they're telling you the way they thought about it, it's going to illuminate to you, oh wait wait wait wait.

00;20;27;02 - 00;20;53;28
Atiba de Souza
That's the wrong way to think about it. That's not how I think about it in this way, which then illuminates to you the process that you are going through in order to actually get to your outcome. You say you think what you what you do is art, but it's actually science behind it. You just do it so automatically that you don't even realize the science, you know?

00;20;54;01 - 00;21;21;20
Atiba de Souza
And so by asking them these questions and listening to them, you're going to learn more about yourself and the way you do things so that you can then give it back to them even better. That's step three, right? That's the yes. Question three. Right. Study number four. This one I found by accident. The first three, I kind of understood why I ask those questions.

00;21;21;22 - 00;21;54;25
Atiba de Souza
This fourth one was an accident. No question that I found that has proven to be extremely valuable right. What was easier? That's the E than expected. Easier than expected. You said, well, why are we asking that question? So what happened was I had a, a young lady who went through this process and it was about the third time, third or fourth time going through the process.

00;21;54;25 - 00;22;14;10
Atiba de Souza
So you iterate through this to help them keep getting better. Right? And you articulate better your steps. And there was a part that she got really right. And I actually didn't go through it. And and question three with her because she got it right. This is the third time she got it right. And I and I happened to ask this time what was easier than expected.

00;22;14;12 - 00;22;26;09
Atiba de Souza
And she brought up that area. And what I learned was she got it right. She got it right 3 or 4 times in a row. And it was sheer luck.

00;22;27;02 - 00;22;35;00
Atiba de Souza
What she was doing was actually very, very wrong. And it just happened to be lucky to draw that. She got it right.

00;22;35;03 - 00;22;37;26
Craig Andrews

00;22;37;28 - 00;23;01;25
Atiba de Souza
Wow. Okay. And so sometimes we get those little gems that come out and it helped me make the process better. Sometimes the things that are easy to expected are exactly what you expect. And they did it right. And they got it right. No problem. But I found some real gems by asking question number four so that is the case method.

00;23;01;28 - 00;23;24;01
Atiba de Souza
Now the key is you don't just do it once. I hope you heard that just now. We're going to iterate through this. So we did it once okay. We didn't get the outcome expected. We learned I go back, I update my document of how I do it and say, okay, let's do it again. Let's do it again. And we keep doing it.

00;23;24;01 - 00;23;51;12
Atiba de Souza
We keep iterating through it, and we watch every single time they get better. We're at a place now in the company where my managers are all doing this with their teams. I don't even have to. It was two weeks ago. I know it was two weeks ago. I was reading an article, and that article led me to an idea about something that we could do on YouTube in tracking.

00;23;51;15 - 00;24;14;07
Atiba de Souza
Right? And I said, a message to my head of content about it and said, hey, hey, we can have a bit of a ride. We should look at this and this or this. And she said, we've already iterated through that. And have already tested it. And here was the outcome. but okay, well, I'll go back to eating cereal.

00;24;15;26 - 00;24;22;16
Atiba de Souza
But that's what you want as a leader. Yeah, yeah. And this is how you get it.

00;24;22;18 - 00;24;41;00
Craig Andrews
And I think, you know, one of the things that were touching on what, when you're really good at something, you think everybody should do it the way that you do it. And one of the things I like about the method that you laid out is it provides the opportunity for you to discover another way of getting the same result.

00;24;41;02 - 00;24;47;08
Craig Andrews
And if you're humble enough, you may actually realize that you have somebody working for you that saw something that you didn't.

00;24;47;10 - 00;25;19;23
Atiba de Souza
Yes, yes, that is absolutely a byproduct of this. and, and, and something that I have seen firsthand myself. Right. And the key term that you use is humble. You've got to be humble. And that's really what question one and two forces you to do. Yeah. When you're just shutting up and listening. Because in that process of just shutting up and listening, you can discover so much.

00;25;19;26 - 00;25;24;08
Craig Andrews
So when you give a quick recap, what are the four letters CAC yeah.

00;25;24;08 - 00;25;49;14
Atiba de Souza
So case CAC the case method. So see is what challenge C challenge did you have in doing this process. A is we go through and we articulate the steps. Ask them to articulate how did you do it. Write it all down. Questions one and two. You say nothing. You just listen. Question three we study and deep dive.

00;25;49;17 - 00;26;14;17
Atiba de Souza
Choose two things they did right. Two things they did wrong and study them. And deep dive. Why did you do it this way? What were you thinking about? What was your thought process through this deep dive with them? And then e what was easier, easier e than expected, easier than expected. That's the case. Method.

00;26;14;19 - 00;26;28;06
Craig Andrews
but that's that's a really simple framework. I see the power in it. And I love that vision of replacing yourself every hundred and 20 days.

00;26;28;09 - 00;26;53;27
Atiba de Souza
Yes. No, let me be completely honest. I'm still working on that. I got it. Yeah, right. but it's a path. It's a it's it's a process. Yeah. And so, you know, it even that piece and I'll just touch on that a little bit too has caused me knowing that I need to replace myself every 120 days. How often do we take on something new?

00;26;53;29 - 00;27;21;13
Atiba de Souza
There's a new initiative. And we as the owner, we as the leader take it on and we own it and we do the work, and it adds to our ever expanding plate. Well, that mentality has also caused me to realize that, hey, something news coming in. We do need to do it, but I don't need to do it and figure out who does.

00;27;21;16 - 00;27;43;23
Craig Andrews
Yeah, well, this is a team of this has been really powerful. I really appreciate you coming on Layers and Legacies and sharing this. and just for clarity, I mean, one of the things that we talked about before we hit record was, you know what, what's your business? And you're like, hey, I'm just here to share knowledge. And that was so powerful.

00;27;43;25 - 00;27;49;04
Craig Andrews
but could you take just 30s and tell people who you help and how you help them?

00;27;49;06 - 00;28;23;14
Atiba de Souza
Yeah, absolutely. So I run an agency called Client Attraction Process, and we serve the medical industry. More specifically, we serve doctors who are leaving insurance based care for cash based services. That's our market. And what we do for them is we help them create videos that build, know, like and trust so that when patients walk through the door, they are primed and ready for a purchase.

00;28;23;16 - 00;28;40;28
Craig Andrews
That's awesome. Well, and as somebody who spent three months in the hospital and many times in doctor's offices afterwards, it's a system that needs to change. Yes. And, thank you for being a part of that change.

00;28;41;00 - 00;28;53;07
Atiba de Souza
You're welcome. so you went through that, and that's a lot of why we're doing this. You know, it's it's time. Yeah. For better care.

00;28;53;10 - 00;29;07;06
Craig Andrews
Absolutely. Yeah. So, that's a wrap for today. Thanks for joining, us on Layers and Legacies. Thanks to Tiba for bringing such powerful insights.

00;29;07;09 - 00;29;10;26
Atiba de Souza
Thank you.

00;29;10;26 - 00;29;39;22
Craig Andrews
This is Craig Andrews. I want to thank you for listening to the Leaders and Legacies podcast. We're looking for leaders to share how they're making the impact beyond themselves. If that's you, please go to Alize for and sign up there. If you got something out of this interview, we would love you to share this episode on social media.

00;29;39;24 - 00;30;03;04
Craig Andrews
Just do a quick screenshot with your phone and text it to a friend, or posted on the socials. If you know someone who would be a great guest, tag them on social media and let them know about the show, including the hashtag leaders and legacies. I love seeing your posts and suggestions. We are regularly putting out new episodes and content to make sure you don't miss anything.

00;30;03;06 - 00;32;13;20
Craig Andrews
Please go ahead and subscribe your thumbs up! Ratings and reviews go a long way to help promote the show. It means a lot to me. It means a lot to my team. If you want to know more, please go to Alize for or follow me on LinkedIn. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time.