In a profound episode of the "Leaders and Legacies" podcast, hosted by Craig Andrews, leadership and social media strategies took center stage with guest Katie Brinkley. Craig opened with a personal story of survival and resilience, highlighting his team’s dedication during his critical health crisis, underscoring the real impact of strong leadership. Katie Brinkley, founder of Next Stat Social Communications and a social media strategist who ironically dislikes social media, shared her innovative "less is more" approach to digital engagement. Her strategy focuses on impactful, minimalistic posting, emphasizing quality over quantity to drive real business results.

Throughout the discussion, Katie emphasized the effectiveness of her four-post strategy, designed to maximize reach without overwhelming content creators or their audience. She elaborated on the importance of understanding audience needs and crafting messages that resonate on different platforms, using tailored strategies for platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.

Want to learn more about Katie's work? Check out their website at

Connect with Katie on LinkedIn at


Key Points with Time Stamps

  • [00:00:00-00:00:30] Craig Andrews shares his survival story, emphasizing the loyalty and efficiency of his team during his absence.
  • [00:01:23-00:01:49] Introduction of Katie Brinkley, discussing her unique approach to social media.
  • [00:04:05-00:04:32] Katie explains the real purpose of social media—building community and connections.
  • [00:06:43-00:06:59] The effectiveness of posting content that resonates with the intended audience.
  • [00:15:43-00:16:08] Katie details her four-post strategy for maximizing social media impact with minimal posts.
  • [00:26:02-00:26:19] Katie advocates for intentional engagement with target audiences to foster relationships and business opportunities.


00;00;00;00 - 00;00;30;20
Craig Andrews
I was in a coma for six weeks while the doctors told my wife I was going to die. When I woke up, she told me the most fantastic story. My team kept running the business without me. Freelancers reached out to my team and said, we will do whatever it takes. As long as Craig's in the hospital. I consider that the greatest accomplishment of my career.

00;00;30;23 - 00;00;51;10
Craig Andrews
My name is Craig Andrews and this is the Leaders and Legacies podcast where we talk to leaders creating an impact beyond themselves. At the end of today's interview, I'll tell you how you can be the next leader featured on the show.

00;00;51;10 - 00;01;22;29
Craig Andrews
Today I want to welcome Katie Brinkley. She is the founder of Next Stat Social Communications. She also hosts the Rocky Mountain Marketing Podcast. And Katie has been revolutionizing social media marketing. With her less is more approach. As a matter of fact, one of the things I just learned about Katie is she doesn't like social media, but that's her job, so she found a more efficient way of doing it to get big impact.

00;01;23;01 - 00;01;49;06
Craig Andrews
with a four post strategy. And so as you're listening in today, everybody knows they need to be on social. I think everybody carries this burden of they should be on social more. It's kind of like flossing. We never feel like we floss enough. And so if that's you listening, even if that's not you, if you feel like you've totally got social media nailed, I think you should listen to us.

00;01;49;08 - 00;01;58;08
Craig Andrews
I'm intrigued how you can get more reach with only a four post strategy. And so with that, Katie, welcome.

00;01;58;10 - 00;02;00;10
Katie Brinkley
Thanks so much for having me.

00;02;00;12 - 00;02;11;29
Craig Andrews
Yeah. So, anyway, I mean, the, I think what really surprised me was the when you said you didn't like social media.

00;02;12;01 - 00;02;26;28
Katie Brinkley
Like you want. You didn't want me to drop a big bombshell on you at the end of the episode. So, like, is there anything I should know? yeah. This is. I guess this is a bit of a big bombshell, considering I own a social media agency.

00;02;27;01 - 00;02;52;00
Craig Andrews
I mean, that's just so bizarre. I so I think about it from a, you know, so as a marketer, I think about, you know, something called character diamonds, where we, you know, where we construct a character that's kind of magnetic and interesting and, and so, like, you gave me two nuggets and one, you know, there's like four points that you try to pin out and one is the most immediately obvious trait, and that is that you're brilliant at social media.

00;02;52;02 - 00;03;01;27
Craig Andrews
And then you might have an opposite trait that if it contradict it, all the better. And you don't like social media, I'm like, this is the making of an amazing character.

00;03;02;00 - 00;03;28;16
Katie Brinkley
Oh well that but okay podcast over me. I mean, I already know like can I've gotten my compliments for today but it this is the thing Craig. I social media is an incredible tool. We all have to. If you're not on social media in some regard, does your business even exist? But it wasn't designed to completely replace our human to human life.

00;03;28;19 - 00;03;53;03
Katie Brinkley
You have to be on social media, but you have a business to run. And if you're not on social media, well then does your business exist? So you're in this terrible paradox. And, you know, Covid, I think, made it seem like, okay, well, now that we've all been given the quote unquote gift of time, you know, being a being at home, you know, because the world shut down.

00;03;53;05 - 00;04;05;25
Katie Brinkley
Now we're all can be on social media even more. You can be on more and more. But really, that's that's not how it was designed. That's not what it was intended for. It was designed to build community and to build connections.

00;04;05;27 - 00;04;32;13
Craig Andrews
Yeah. You know, and I think that's, you know, right there that's such an important point. The as I hear people talking about social media, they're trying to turn it into a coin operated device. Yeah, yeah. Where you, you just, you know, you plug time in and you get money out of it, which obviously we're in business and we do it, but I think in that you make a good point.

00;04;32;13 - 00;04;53;17
Craig Andrews
We we we miss the point. We miss the context. Maybe that's what we're putting is we missed the context. So help us understand that. I mean so there's some that would say, yeah, social media is about connecting and I connect ten times a day. I do, you know, my 8 a.m. post, I mean blah blah blah. So what is it?

00;04;53;18 - 00;04;57;26
Craig Andrews
What is it we're missing when we approach it that way?

00;04;57;28 - 00;05;25;25
Katie Brinkley
One of my favorite features of Facebook right now is the Facebook Memories feature. And if you think about it, hop in the good old Delorean, together and travel back in time to 2008. Facebook. And we were writing on each other's walls. We were. There was no feed. We were just. I head on over to your Facebook wall and I would leave you a message.

00;05;25;29 - 00;05;50;19
Katie Brinkley
And let's not forget poking. We would poke each other on Facebook to forget. And it was. Yeah, unfortunately it's back. I'm not really sure why it came back, but it is back. but this is what we were doing to connecting. I had to take the initiative to say. I wonder what you're up to. I just want to write on your wall and say, hey, I'm in town.

00;05;50;21 - 00;06;09;22
Katie Brinkley
We'd like to get together for coffee. Help! It was so simple back then. We were showing up. We were connecting. We were building community. We were keeping in touch with friends and family. And now there's all this. These different ways of creating content out there. And we have to be doing all of them. We have to be going live.

00;06;09;22 - 00;06;43;10
Katie Brinkley
We have to be doing TikToks. We have to be writing blogs. We have to have Facebook groups and LinkedIn communities and if you're doing all of those things, then how successful is your business, really? Because it sure looks like all you're doing is hanging out online. And I have a social media agency, but I'm a business owner first, so how can I grow my business while still having a social media presence that is going to generate leads, community and connections?

00;06;43;12 - 00;06;59;10
Katie Brinkley
And it's by it's not by posting more, it's it's by posting the content that your ideal client, your customer, and your biggest fans want to hear. You have an opinion on.

00;06;59;13 - 00;07;10;23
Craig Andrews
Okay, so a lot of people would say, I'm doing that. I'm posting the things that they care about and.

00;07;10;25 - 00;07;11;29
Katie Brinkley
but are you.

00;07;12;01 - 00;07;17;15
Craig Andrews
Right? And so how do I know? How do I know if I am or am not?

00;07;17;18 - 00;07;41;04
Katie Brinkley
One of the most important things is to look to see who your audience is. And when I start working with a client, so, next up, social, we do turnkey social media solutions where essentially you don't do anything with. We do it all for you. But this is when we first sit down with a new client. We we honestly get off of some of the social platforms.

00;07;41;06 - 00;08;07;09
Katie Brinkley
And I think that it's so easy. Trust me, I get it. All you gotta do is just tap a toggle, tap a button. There's schedulers out there. You can create the content and schedule it out to the masses, but when you do that, it's it's still the spaghetti at the wall approach. Because I know from looking at my insights who are my biggest fans are on each platform and what offer sells on that platform.

00;08;07;11 - 00;08;21;10
Katie Brinkley
So up until 2023, I was only on two social media platforms. I was on Instagram and LinkedIn, and I had two very different audiences on Instagram. Oh, on Instagram, I had,

00;08;21;12 - 00;08;25;14
Craig Andrews
For those who don't have videos and balloons just came out of nowhere.

00;08;25;16 - 00;08;50;01
Katie Brinkley
I, I have no idea how that happened on my screen, but that was kind of cool. it kind of threw me off for a little bit there. So I have two very different audiences between LinkedIn and Instagram. Instagram. I have mostly 35 to 44 year old women, so much so that I think it's 83% of my followers on Instagram or that, and I know where they're at, what their business, what offer sells there.

00;08;50;03 - 00;09;22;24
Katie Brinkley
Unfortunately, I have a very difficult time selling my agency work on Instagram. However, selling my book The Social Shift, selling one day intensives and coaching and workshops those sell over on Instagram. What? Whereas the don't really use social media does not. However, over on LinkedIn, I know that I have a lot of C-suite executives following me. I know that their businesses have at least 50 employees for the majority of my audience.

00;09;22;24 - 00;09;48;19
Katie Brinkley
They're they probably could use some help outsourcing their digital marketing and podcast production. Those are the services that I sell over on LinkedIn. I'm not saying that you need to completely create different types of content. However, if you're saying, well, I'm, I post all the time and I've never gotten a lead, well, maybe you've been pitching the wrong off or talking about the wrong service.

00;09;48;21 - 00;10;18;01
Katie Brinkley
I can I can share pictures of me and my kids over on Instagram, because I know a lot of them are mom Preneur nurse, whereas on LinkedIn those posts kind of fall flat. They don't really pop, they don't care about family, but they don't really care about my family. So this is where you know, what content's going to work so that you can post class because you're posting the content that your ideal client, your audience, wants to see from you.

00;10;18;03 - 00;10;47;18
Craig Andrews
Well, and one of the questions that I have. Yeah. And let's, let's talk specifically about LinkedIn is, you know, what's the measure of success? And some people say that, you know, likes lead to comments and comments lead to DMs and DMs lead the business. But I know somebody who continually talks about how his least engaged posts are usually the ones that drive business to him.

00;10;47;21 - 00;10;54;14
Craig Andrews
And so it you know, there's conflicting voices out there. How how would you reconcile that?

00;10;54;17 - 00;11;18;24
Katie Brinkley
There's a lot of different ways to post on social media, whether it's LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, there's different ways to create content. And not everyone consumes content the same way. So if you're looking at your posts and you're saying, oh, well, no one's engaging with this, well, maybe this isn't really a post that they thought that they needed to engage with.

00;11;18;26 - 00;11;47;25
Katie Brinkley
So let's just look at LinkedIn. With LinkedIn, you, if you're saying, well, no one's engaging with my content, no one's liking it likes or yeah, it's fine, likes are fine. I mean, I genuinely go out and try to actively engage with posts, but likes are just such a passive way of engaging anymore. What if you could get engagement on your post every single week?

00;11;47;28 - 00;12;08;21
Katie Brinkley
That's going to put you at the top of people's algorithm for the rest of your post? Going out for the rest of the week. And that's where LinkedIn polls come into play. Whether or not people are liking it, commenting on it, or, you know, sharing it, that's fine. But when people vote in your poll, that's an engagement.

00;12;08;23 - 00;12;40;17
Katie Brinkley
So how can you ask a poll question to get your content at the top of other people's algorithms for the rest of the week? And it's by creating a very easy to engage with post. Everyone can engage with the poll very, very quickly and you can learn a ton about your audience, their needs, their likes, their dislikes. As how I craft so many of my podcast episodes is by polls, and it's an easy thing for people to engage with because they want to see what the answer is like.

00;12;40;17 - 00;13;09;21
Katie Brinkley
Oh, okay, I'll just click on this is what I think. Oh, okay. 73% are like me moving on. But now I have all that data and I've charged up the LinkedIn algorithm to again say, hey, Katie Brinkley's posts, all these people, all these 120 people who engaged with her post, we should show them her next piece of content because they recently engaged with her.

00;13;09;23 - 00;13;44;06
Craig Andrews
you know, it's it's interesting. There's there's a similarity there in email strategies when I'm thinking about and when I'm counseling people, coaching them about emails was like, this email is going to determine how much your future emails are opened and read. And so think about what you're sending. Are you sending it with a view. And so it sounds like you're saying the same thing that your post is not just about that post, it's about prepping to drive engagement on all the follow on posts.

00;13;44;08 - 00;13;55;14
Katie Brinkley
Exactly. And with this, starting with the poll, it leads people down a customer journey. They didn't. A lot of times they didn't know that they needed to be on.

00;13;55;16 - 00;13;57;01
Craig Andrews

00;13;57;04 - 00;14;23;10
Katie Brinkley
So for example, we'll just use you as an example. You want to promote this podcast episode on your LinkedIn, and you want to just go ahead and give the little Katie Brinkley strategy, for this podcast episode just to shake things up. so your first post on Monday is going to be a poll saying something simple like these, these polls should take you no more than 30s to create.

00;14;23;12 - 00;14;48;01
Katie Brinkley
how often do you post on so on LinkedIn? That's your question. And you can have daily three, three times a week, weekly. other answer and comments. That is your post and you're done. You've made people aware so that your very first post is always an awareness post. Make people problem aware. The next post is an elaboration post.

00;14;48;01 - 00;15;14;02
Katie Brinkley
And these, are your your long form content. So your articles, if you have not started a LinkedIn newsletter yet, do it. When you're done listening to this podcast episode, you need to have a LinkedIn newsletter. It is one of the best features of LinkedIn right now because they it get your content seen by you're not relying just on the algorithm.

00;15;14;05 - 00;15;43;22
Katie Brinkley
LinkedIn emails your content to people who opt into it. So you are not just relying on the algorithm, you're actually showing up in people's inboxes so your elaboration post can be a 500 word article taken from this podcast episode of the struggles that so many people have about feeling committed to social media consistently, and what it. That's why you sat down with Katie Brinkley.

00;15;43;22 - 00;16;08;13
Katie Brinkley
She talked all about her four post strategy. She talks about awareness and elaboration, but make sure to listen to the full episode because you don't want to miss her other two posts that she talks about. So that's your long article where you kind of go deeper on the the problem that you made people aware of with your poll that you just posted about yesterday and the people that just engaged with your poll, they already said that they were interested in this.

00;16;08;13 - 00;16;31;18
Katie Brinkley
So, well, thank goodness you're talking about this in greater detail. I sure can trust you. Thank you. You're a few thought leader to you. This is amazing. The next post should be your favorite post and it's your community post. This is what social media was intended for. what makes you different? How did you help people? How have you overcome something?

00;16;31;21 - 00;17;02;26
Katie Brinkley
And this could be where, you know, you share a story and maybe it's just a picture of you with a cup of coffee and you say, I used to post on LinkedIn three times a day, and it took me about an hour a day to do all of my LinkedIn posts, and I, I thought I was seeing some results from it, but it wasn't until I sat down and tried posting less that all of a sudden my reach increased by 1,100% and my engagement increased by 250%.

00;17;02;26 - 00;17;21;19
Katie Brinkley
And you know what the best part is? I was given four hours of my day back. What would you do with four more hours of your week back or whatever? And it just tells your story or it can tell it. You can tell a client testimonial or, how you helped somebody else overcome whatever problem that you've made them aware of.

00;17;21;22 - 00;17;42;15
Katie Brinkley
And then last but not least is the Action Post. If you notice those other three posts, we did not ask anybody to do anything right. We didn't ask them to listen to this episode. They don't even really know about the episode that much. They might have mentioned it in passing in your elaboration article, but you haven't really asked anybody to do anything.

00;17;42;17 - 00;18;13;22
Katie Brinkley
And that's where the action posts you've been guiding people along, making them problem aware, educating them further on their problem, saying how you have overcome this problem yourself. Now you can know, like and trust me. And then action. I actually sit down with Katie Brinkley and this week's episode, where she breaks down how knowing who you're talking to on each platform is going to make it easier for you to post less on social media, on fewer platforms so you can grow your business faster.

00;18;13;25 - 00;18;21;01
Katie Brinkley
Click Comment Podcast below, and I'll send you the link hmhm.

00;18;21;03 - 00;18;29;07
Craig Andrews
So never include the link in the post. Always have a call to action. Comment below and then you'll DM them the link.

00;18;29;07 - 00;18;51;29
Katie Brinkley
Yes, well, because now you you people have given you, you know, the open forum to say, yes, I've given Katie Brinkley permission to slide into my DMs. She is welcome there. I'm waiting for her to show up there because there's so many like the DMs aren't the magical place that they used to be, because there are a lot of people that are just showing up that you don't know that are selling to you.

00;18;52;02 - 00;19;14;00
Katie Brinkley
So if I'm waiting for a DM from you, you know, there it is. Thank you. And now how great is it? Because you and I are having this conversation. We are just showing up, you know, in someone's car, in their earbuds. But we don't really know who's listening. How cool is it to actually be like, hey Jim, what did you think of that episode?

00;19;14;02 - 00;19;36;09
Katie Brinkley
Did you try it? You know what? What, what other questions do you have? How long have you been listening to the podcast? Is this the first time you've listened? It'd be great to be able to actually talk to one of your listeners. Or, you can then take them through. Oh, well, it looks like you do A, B, and C, I'm actually going to be doing a workshop for this problem.

00;19;36;12 - 00;19;58;16
Katie Brinkley
Would you like to attend? You can actually talk to the people that are listening to your show and figure out. Who your biggest fans are, who your community is, and you know what problems they have so that you you're not just throwing spaghetti at the wall, creating content that you think your audience might listen to.

00;19;58;18 - 00;20;06;26
Craig Andrews
So let me see if I have this. So the first post now, did these posts run consecutively like Monday through Thursday or.

00;20;06;28 - 00;20;34;06
Katie Brinkley
Well, this is where you need to look at your and again look at your insights. for me it's Monday through Thursday, for my posts based on the my posts, when I can be active on the platforms and when I can remain consistent and when they're online. The most, but if you're you can do this every day, if you want to, you can you could do this every day if you wanted to.

00;20;34;08 - 00;20;50;13
Katie Brinkley
This strategy, you could do it three times a week and have it be like Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then on Monday again, you're doing the action post. This is a strategy that works. Just as with the cycle of how to take people through the customer journey.

00;20;50;15 - 00;20;54;26
Craig Andrews
Okay. And so first post is a poll.

00;20;54;28 - 00;21;19;08
Katie Brinkley
And yes, so it's called the awareness to Action strategy. So awareness like on LinkedIn would be a poll. And it's it's designed so that if you notice all of these different ways to create content were different ways of creating content. They're not all just, you know, a picture or a graphic or, you know, a clip from my podcast or anything like that.

00;21;19;08 - 00;21;48;02
Katie Brinkley
They're all different ways of creating content because again, remember, everyone consumes content differently. I mean, I'm not a short form video girl. I'm just not, I if I do watch it, it's on Facebook Reels. which I that just shows how old I am, but I'm not on TikTok. You know, I don't watch Instagram Reels, but on Facebook, I've watched a few of them, but it's late at night in bed after my kids are asleep, because any time they hear sound coming from my phone, they're like, mom, what are you watching?

00;21;48;02 - 00;22;05;06
Katie Brinkley
What are you doing? What are you doing? Whereas I can sit on the phone, you know, watching TV with them and still scroll through a carousel post on Instagram. I can read an article in LinkedIn or in my inbox, but if I the short form video content, I have the sound off and I'm just gonna scroll right on past that.

00;22;05;08 - 00;22;09;24
Katie Brinkley
So you have to remember everyone consumes content differently.

00;22;09;26 - 00;22;27;06
Craig Andrews
So first post is the engagement post. Second post is long form. Third post is help me remember what that was. Unity community okay. And then the fourth post is the action.

00;22;27;08 - 00;22;32;28
Katie Brinkley
Asking people to go one step further with you and and lead social media.

00;22;33;01 - 00;22;42;23
Craig Andrews
Okay. Very interesting. And the community post, that's where you said you talk about your genius. You know what you do. This is what you do. Well here.

00;22;42;25 - 00;23;05;10
Katie Brinkley
Yeah. Let us showcase some of some of your, you know, the you, you know, it could be a story about how you overcame something, story about how it, you know, time time is our most precious commodity. You know what? And how did you get more time back? By doing this thing. And, it allowed you to start hiking again.

00;23;05;10 - 00;23;27;02
Katie Brinkley
It allowed you to, you know, work a three day workweek. It allowed, you know, whatever it is. So this is where you can share your story and bring a little bit of the you into your social media, because, again, that's what people are going to buy from. They're going to there's going to be something that you say that they're going to be like, oh, wow, I had no idea that you did that or that.

00;23;27;05 - 00;23;40;08
Katie Brinkley
I also played college softball. How cool. I didn't know that. Or oh, I mean, whatever it is, there's going to be something that help people identify with you and say, like, that's my person. That's the person that I trust.

00;23;40;10 - 00;24;03;07
Craig Andrews
Okay, well, this is cool. And I really like this because I do think, you know, a lot of businesses, lot of business owners, they they know they should be on social. They it feels overwhelming and they never feel like they do it enough. And so I love this because this really bounds it. It has a thoughtful strategy to it.

00;24;03;09 - 00;24;22;09
Craig Andrews
So the next question is what's the role. you know, let's say for me as the owner, my business, what's the role for me on social media? How much should I be engaged, you know, involved in my posts versus having someone else do it for me?

00;24;22;12 - 00;24;48;16
Katie Brinkley
Well, the four post strategy is designed for what we do it for all of our clients. But I mean, it's designed for the business owner who has the business to run, to have a simple strategy that can take them. No, like no more than an hour a week. I mean, it really should not take you more than an hour a week, to do your entire social media strategy for that week.

00;24;48;16 - 00;25;12;27
Katie Brinkley
So that's four hours a month. And if you're spent like most, it's amazing to me. So many people spend at least an hour a day, you know, that's 16 hours a month. Just imagine, what could you get accomplished with that's two whole workdays, you know, like you could take an extra two days off a month. You're just going to run on social media.

00;25;13;00 - 00;25;37;05
Katie Brinkley
It makes you be very intentional with your time on social media. I'm going in. This is my objective. This is what I want to promote. And then with the extra time, if you if you want to guess what you can be on social media and just engaging with your target audience, you can just be watching content, engaging with power partners, and kind of being on social media the way that was intended and not just creating content.

00;25;37;05 - 00;26;02;13
Katie Brinkley
I think that we've all gotten into this habit of, I need to create, I need to create, I need to create. Well, someone's got to be watching, right? So why not watch and engage with your potential clients and customers content to give them a little hey, okay, I see Craig out here, you know, post and all the time I'm just going to like his post and comment on it.

00;26;02;15 - 00;26;19;23
Katie Brinkley
I've made myself, you know, and put it myself in front of him. He's going to know who I am. Katie Brinkley always likes my stuff. I really should check her out. What is what does she do on social media? I want to follow her. Oh, she has a new workshop, a new I want I should sign up for that.

00;26;19;26 - 00;26;36;00
Katie Brinkley
So it puts you in front of your target audience. Just if you have the time to do that conscious engagement with the people that you know, why not get in front of the people that are going to buy it from you and just give them a little bit of a pay it forward with their engagement?

00;26;36;02 - 00;26;46;14
Craig Andrews
Yeah. Well, these have been fantastic tips. and I love the simplicity. how did people reach if they want to do more?

00;26;46;16 - 00;26;57;03
Katie Brinkley
You can get in touch with me at Katie And that's where my book is. You can follow me on whatever social platforms, all the things. but just go to Katie

00;26;57;05 - 00;27;04;22
Craig Andrews
Excellent. Well, thanks for sharing all that and layers and legacies.

00;27;04;22 - 00;27;33;18
Craig Andrews
This is Craig Andrews. I want to thank you for listening to the Leaders and Legacies podcast. We're looking for leaders to share how they're making the impact beyond themselves. If that's you, please go to Alize for and sign up there. If you got something out of this interview, we would love you to share this episode on social media.

00;27;33;20 - 00;27;57;00
Craig Andrews
Just do a quick screenshot with your phone and text it to a friend, or posted on the socials. If you know someone who would be a great guest, tag them on social media and let them know about the show, including the hashtag leaders and legacies. I love seeing your posts and suggestions. We are regularly putting out new episodes and content to make sure you don't miss anything.

00;27;57;02 - 00;30;07;16
Craig Andrews
Please go ahead and subscribe your thumbs up! Ratings and reviews go a long way to help promote the show. It means a lot to me. It means a lot to my team. If you want to know more, please go to Alize for or follow me on LinkedIn. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time.