In a compelling conversation with Rocky Lagrone, a seasoned sales development expert, the podcast delves into the intricacies of leadership, sales, and navigating business changes. Rocky, with over 25 years of experience, shares his insights on developing sales strategies aligned with company goals to maximize ROI.

Rocky underscores the importance of adapting to business evolutions, leveraging referrals, and the crucial role of sound in effective communication. Rocky advocates for focusing on clients' needs, emphasizing the value of giving in the sales process and the significance of leadership in fostering a culture of accountability and growth. His experiences reveal the transformative power of putting others first and the impact of sales leadership on business success.

Want to learn more about Rocky's work? Check out their website at

Connect with Rocky on LinkedIn at

Key Points with Time Stamps

  • Introduction to Rocky Lagrone's Background (00:00:14) - Overview of Rocky's extensive experience in sales development and leadership.
  • Aligning Sales with Company Goals (00:00:48) - Importance of developing strategies that match company objectives.
  • The Power of Referrals and Personal Connections (00:07:09) - Rocky discusses leveraging referrals and the give-first approach in sales.
  • Overcoming the Noise with Effective Communication (00:08:12) - Emphasis on breaking through clutter with impactful communication.
  • Leadership's Role in Sales Success (00:24:32) - Discussion on the importance of leadership in accountability and team development.
  • The Sales Development Business (00:23:09) - Rocky shares his journey and focus on sales development and recruitment.


00:00:14:09 - 00:00:48:09
Craig Andrews
Today I want to welcome Rocky Lagrone. He is a seasoned sales development expert with over 25 years of experience in sales, development and training. As a sales veteran, Rocky has worked with numerous sales teams across various industries, focusing on areas such as individual rep evaluation and analysis, development, in-depth training, sales management, customer service and leadership. Rocky emphasizes refining and building a complementary sales strategy.

00:00:48:09 - 00:01:31:19
Craig Andrews
Align with a company's core products, services, goals, and objectives to achieve maximum ROI. Throughout his career, Rocky has collaborated with over 1000 companies of different sizes, finding that transition and change in business are both challenging and inevitable. He excels in environments undergoing evolution, such as new product offerings, leadership changes, technical technological advancements, and shifting business landscapes. So, I got a chance to talk to Rocky, a number of months ago.

00:01:31:19 - 00:01:49:12
Craig Andrews
And, you know, it turns out we, you know, it's a small world. It's a really small world. I was introduced to him by somebody in Florida. It turns out that we both know somebody here in Austin, Texas. And, and so it's a real joy to talk to. Rocky. Rocky, welcome.

00:01:49:14 - 00:01:58:12
Rocky Lagrone
Thank you. Craig, it's a pleasure to be on your show. I appreciate the invitation. And, I hope we can, help your listeners learn something today and give them a good show.

00:01:58:14 - 00:02:18:22
Craig Andrews
Yeah. Excellent. So let's start back at our kind of our common bond when we, you know, when when we first talked, I think it was. I think what happened? You asked me where I was, and I said, Austin, you said, well, you know, somebody in Austin and you asked me, do you know Roy Williams? Is that how that worked out?

00:02:18:24 - 00:02:41:19
Rocky Lagrone
Yeah. I think you had mentioned something about the Wizard of Ads or, Roy himself, and, I had spent some time with Roy, I think it was back in 96 or 97. I was part of an organization of kind of a, a bunch of guys that are all doing the same thing in the cell development business.

00:02:41:19 - 00:03:06:22
Rocky Lagrone
And we were looking for, you know, some marketing ideas and tools and one of them found Roy and or, Roy invited us for a three day weekend down in Austin. I think it was about 15 of us. We were kind of like a, you know, internal fiefdom network. and, man, what an impressive guy. I still remember the exercise he started with.

00:03:06:24 - 00:03:39:04
Rocky Lagrone
I bought the book. I became a subscriber to Roy. I've been a fan since then, and we've done everything we can to spread his word. Our clients. And actually, I think there's a lot of sales application and sales management applications from those experience and stories. I'll never forget one thing that that Roy told back then was when you're doing marketing and advertising, if you're not upsetting at least 10% of the people, you're not doing it well.

00:03:39:06 - 00:03:40:00
Craig Andrews

00:03:40:02 - 00:03:41:04
Rocky Lagrone

00:03:41:06 - 00:04:08:05
Craig Andrews
Yeah. And you know, there's there's something again. And, you know, so Rocky and I drink from the same fountain. So don't be surprised if we say some of the same things. But one of the things that, I've heard Roy say is when the record industry is, testing a new record before they release it, if 15% of the test audience doesn't absolutely despise the record, they get worried.

00:04:08:07 - 00:04:08:24
Rocky Lagrone

00:04:09:01 - 00:04:16:06
Craig Andrews
But they have 15% of the test audience passionately hate the the record. They know it will be a big hit.

00:04:16:08 - 00:04:40:11
Rocky Lagrone
Yeah, that's an interesting positive negative. Right. I remember to sit in that class. and one of the things he said was every individual can remember at least six of the 60,000 songs that we have in our head that we've learned throughout our life. And we can hear it and we know it, and we know the words as long as they're playing.

00:04:40:11 - 00:04:57:01
Rocky Lagrone
But we can't always sing it by ourselves. But that the memory from sound is just goes so deep and it's so viable. and of course, you know, that's communication and that's, you know, obviously part of what the sales industry has to be really good at.

00:04:57:03 - 00:05:25:01
Craig Andrews
Yeah. Yeah. And so, you know, and that actually brings out a really interesting question. We're obviously going to jump around a little bit. But what you just said, that's the importance of sound. And I'm sure your inbox is like my inbox. I, I get solicitations every day and there's no sound obviously, you know, unless they do a video which most of them don't.

00:05:25:03 - 00:05:45:10
Craig Andrews
But, yeah. What's your take on that? I mean, from a sales perspective, if you were coaching people, recognizing the importance of sound and knowing that they have, they have an email address and they're, they're happy to use it. What would be your advice to a salesperson?

00:05:45:12 - 00:06:10:09
Rocky Lagrone
well, obviously, it could vary depending on, you know, what they're selling, what industry they're in, what markets you're going after, what type of clients are trying to get. But it's really interesting that we all have learned the communications pie. We know that, you know, the the words or the sounds and auditory is, you know what, 25 to 28% of communication.

00:06:10:09 - 00:06:39:07
Rocky Lagrone
And we've all heard it's not what you said, it's how you said it that upset me. And I hear that from my wife from time to time. And, I'm sure we all do from people, but, the, the pace, the tone, the command tonality versus questioning tonality versus curious and and becoming an expert with that and being able to match your client, obviously, is one of those kind of subliminal things that helps them see that you are like them.

00:06:39:09 - 00:07:09:22
Rocky Lagrone
And obviously that's important that the emails that we get, the LinkedIn, the post, there's social media, there's so much noise. And so if I was coaching salespeople, which we do every day, I really want to focus them on referrals, you know, for for anybody out there today, if you look at your last week of activity or your team's last week, how many referrals did they get and more importantly, how many referrals did they give?

00:07:09:24 - 00:07:30:24
Rocky Lagrone
Because, whatever you want out of life, you give first and then you get back. And salespeople just don't take advantage of that. Sales managers don't coach to that. Leaders don't put together context and exciting ways to get the team excited about doing those things that are uncomfortable. And then when you're going to those referrals are asking for them.

00:07:30:24 - 00:07:48:03
Rocky Lagrone
You can't just sound like, you know, last Nester on Groundhog Day, which is coming up next Friday, right? You know, hey, I'm going to live off referrals and I'm gonna expect you to give me three by the end of the meeting. And that's just this is stupid, and that doesn't work anymore. But there are ways to go about doing that that is not offensive.

00:07:48:03 - 00:08:12:12
Rocky Lagrone
That doesn't make you look and sound like sales person. The manager, obviously, role playing and practicing and getting people comfortable doing that stuff is important. And then the leaders, you know, whatever you inspect, you expect and there's not enough of that going on from the top down. So, I don't know how we got here from the sound, but it is, critical that we break through that noise.

00:08:12:14 - 00:08:18:11
Rocky Lagrone
And when we get at bats, we are the person that they want to spend time with.

00:08:18:13 - 00:08:45:15
Craig Andrews
You know, anybody that's been on my podcast or, you know, a lot of people that they know that once it's over, I'll, I'll ask, you know, how can I send business your way? You know, what can I do? And it's interesting, there's a percentage of people that never ask back. And, you know, and it's easy to kind of get my feelings hurt and say, well, I just took care of you.

00:08:45:18 - 00:08:48:05
Craig Andrews
You're not going to care about me.

00:08:48:07 - 00:08:48:24
Rocky Lagrone

00:08:49:01 - 00:09:23:00
Craig Andrews
And, you know, one of the things that hit me somewhere along the way was really what I'm doing. Part of the reason I do podcasting is to meet people like you and and to build relationships. And so I think as we're building relationships, one of the questions we want to ask, what are the type of people that we want to build relationships with, those that will, you know, those where it's almost a competition to see who can serve the other one first, or those that you have to kind of kick in the shins and say, hey, are you going to help me out here?

00:09:23:02 - 00:09:47:16
Rocky Lagrone
Yeah, yeah. And, and and there's got to be, a medium in there that can, that we can use to create consistency. And to me, that's the individual looking for ways to connect to others. And I'll give you an example. Last week we got a meeting with referral. and this is a brand new business. They're eight months old.

00:09:47:16 - 00:10:14:02
Rocky Lagrone
That's, slash business, but it's really taken data and crunching the data and coming up with, critical information about inventory and customers and their buying patterns and getting rid of old inventory and turning it faster and keeping more of a. So it's kind of an inventory management system. And this guy came from an incredible background of supply chain inventory control and labor.

00:10:14:04 - 00:10:33:05
Rocky Lagrone
And as we got to talking about it, I mean, obviously working with a couple hundred different businesses doesn't take me long to understand the business model and the business proposition. And then 15 minutes, I'm like, I get it, you're not ready for us. That's fine. But I know five people right now that come to my head that I'm going to introduce you to before the end of the day.

00:10:33:07 - 00:10:58:10
Rocky Lagrone
And I did, and I sent those five emails and I made the introduction and I explained why I made that introduction. And that's just what we should all be doing. And so based on that, it creates karma for you. Right? So obviously I do my best to ask for referrals as well. But since last Thursday I got three referrals out of the blue that I didn't ask for from people that we've known in the past.

00:10:58:10 - 00:11:19:04
Rocky Lagrone
So the more you focus on that, the more you give and you got to give with expectation of giving something back, you know? And to me, there's not enough of that going on in the sales world. There's not enough of the incentives to cost salespeople to do that from leadership. There's not enough coaching to salespeople about those things.

00:11:19:04 - 00:11:31:24
Rocky Lagrone
And I mean that is the easiest, fastest way to get business is is to get referrals. But to get them, you got to give them. And so don't be shy about giving them. Just give, give, give. And it will come back to you tenfold.

00:11:32:01 - 00:11:46:17
Craig Andrews
Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's I've got a friend here in Austin and we were we were having lunch together and, you know, we were doing the little tussle over who was going, who was going to buy lunch.

00:11:46:19 - 00:11:49:08
Rocky Lagrone
And everybody got alligator arms.

00:11:49:10 - 00:12:21:21
Craig Andrews
No no no no, no. It's, who could grab the who could grab the check the fastest. Gotcha. And, this fellow named Jude Sampson, I'm going to call him out intentionally here because, Jude is a heck of a guy. And, and Jude Sampson said something that I'll never forget. He said my dad taught me that if I'm always the one that buys dinner or buys lunch, I will never go hungry.

00:12:21:23 - 00:12:41:20
Rocky Lagrone
Yeah, yeah, the same philosophy, you know, give, give, give. And then whatever you want out of life, you'll get back if you give it first. What do you want? Love? You want money. You want friendship. You want compassion. Whatever it is. That's just a, a life principle, you know?

00:12:41:22 - 00:13:04:06
Craig Andrews
Yeah. Well, let's talk about that in the context of sales, because, you know, there's when when you're going in and you're trying to do a sale. Yeah, you probably have a quota hanging over your head. Or maybe you're a business owner and, you know, you have a, you have a wife that has trips that she wants to take, grandkids she wants to lavish upon.

00:13:04:08 - 00:13:18:08
Craig Andrews
And, you know, so when you're in that moment, it's easy to let that pressure of closing overwhelm you instead of giving. How do you advise people to navigate that?

00:13:18:10 - 00:13:46:06
Rocky Lagrone
You know, that's, a fantastic question because that's that's a lot of the principle led businesses that are doing most of the sales. They have intrinsic value that their sales teams don't, and obviously they're good at it or they wouldn't stay in business, but they never really learned how to take what they do and break it down and transfer it to their team to scale it.

00:13:46:08 - 00:14:15:06
Rocky Lagrone
And so from a principle led business owner who is also selling, that pressure comes from different places, right? It's that sometimes, you know, you got to satisfy the bank, sometimes you got to get payroll, sometimes you gotta, you know, buy a new piece of equipment, you got to have some capital. and those pressures are different. but when it's, when it comes down to it, we have to put all that aside.

00:14:15:06 - 00:14:36:13
Rocky Lagrone
And, and even as a sales person, when we're in a call, we have to put all that aside. And our focus should be right on our our prospect, our potential client. It's not what can this client do for me and how can I make this deal happen? So I can get the money? It's what can I truly do to help them accomplish what they want to accomplish?

00:14:36:15 - 00:15:02:21
Rocky Lagrone
And I think that's a missing piece sometimes. And so we we spent a lot of time talking about urgency. And you know, obviously when you're in those pressurized financial personal situations, it's challenging, but it tends to cause people to present too soon, to present too much to force the deal to, you know, kind of do things that are going to put that prospect off.

00:15:02:21 - 00:15:33:01
Rocky Lagrone
And so it's really self-sabotage. And so you have to put that aside, put it in a box, lock it in your car when you get out, or go throw up in the closet before your meeting on zoom, you know, get it out. But focus on that client. And so the way to create urgency for the client prospect is to slow down, is to ask more questions, to help them truly find compelling reasons why they need to do this.

00:15:33:03 - 00:16:05:20
Rocky Lagrone
And those aren't our reasons. Those are their reasons. But they have to hear their mouth through their ears. Say that. And that means we have to be really acute at listening so we know what questions to ask. And then it means that we have to be patient and slow down the sales call. And the way to create urgency for ourselves is to have incredibly strong, high mandatory goals.

00:16:05:22 - 00:16:24:15
Rocky Lagrone
I mean, things that you have to accomplish because you made it so mandatory, right? It's like the mountain climber who said, I'm going to climb that mountain today. And, you know, they get three quarters up the mountain and their muscles are filled with lactic acid and they can't move and they're locking up. But they said they were going to do it.

00:16:24:17 - 00:16:56:23
Rocky Lagrone
And so they fight through that and they get there. Or the marathon runner that hits the wall at mile 14 or 16, they have to work through it and and oftentimes we find that people just bail or they self-sabotage. So in answer to your question, I think we have to take those pressures and put them aside, focus on the prospect, slow down the sales call, ask 50 more questions, and stop trying to present our solution to quit.

00:16:57:00 - 00:17:28:24
Craig Andrews
You know, a tool I used for myself. I used, I don't use it anymore, I probably should. It's it's called dial pad meetings. and the one of the things I like about it is when the call is over, it sends me an email with a summary of who talked. How much, and when I say, you know, when I was trying to figure out how to solve for myself, I walk away from a one hour meeting and discover I.

00:17:29:04 - 00:17:32:21
Craig Andrews
I spoke for 40 minutes.

00:17:32:23 - 00:17:37:19
Rocky Lagrone
And you learn from that, and you don't do that anymore. Yeah, right.

00:17:37:21 - 00:17:39:01
Craig Andrews

00:17:39:02 - 00:18:15:22
Rocky Lagrone
Yeah. Telling is not selling. We all heard that. and and it really is to stop doing that, we have to be patient and we have to listen. And that's so hard for us because, you know, salespeople with experience, business owners with experience, we can go into meet with a client. And typically within the first 5 to 10 minutes, we already know what is going to help them and what solution we want to talk about and how we're going to, you know, orchestrate this implementation or whatever and how it's going to affect our teams or developers or, you know, product line or, you know, whatever it is.

00:18:15:24 - 00:18:40:18
Rocky Lagrone
But we have to be patient and stop thinking about that and just listen. years ago we were working with, marine air conditioning firms. And so one of the things that we do is go in and do analysis and evaluations up front of, you know, one of the strength, skills, weaknesses, challenges, systems, processes. You know, what what really is the cause of the lack of sales growth.

00:18:40:20 - 00:18:59:19
Rocky Lagrone
And this CEO wanted to complete a sales questionnaire. And we're like, now it's not really for you. I mean, you're you're the owner. It's a $40 million business. And you know, you don't really sell. No, I want to do it. I want to see it. So came back to review. And of course you want to see us first.

00:18:59:19 - 00:19:15:20
Rocky Lagrone
So we look at is and you like, well which doesn't put me in a very good light. This is not to say I'm a very good sales guy, but I'm the best sales got here. Now. Of course you are. But you're not selling every day. And if you remember when you started the questionnaire, it ask you to put your sales hat on.

00:19:16:00 - 00:19:32:18
Rocky Lagrone
And so when you were completing the questionnaire, what were you thinking about? Well, you know, I read this question. I was thinking about this dog we're putting on the Disney ship. And then I was thinking about this, yacht and this, you know, all the the lines we had to run and events and how that was going to be engineered.

00:19:32:18 - 00:19:53:08
Rocky Lagrone
And then this other question made me think about, you know, this, they were working on with China and this and I'm like, okay, so if you're a salesperson and you're in front of a prospect and you're thinking about those things during the sales call, does that help you get the desired outcome? He's like, no, gets it done.

00:19:53:10 - 00:20:14:14
Rocky Lagrone
I'm like, so if your salespeople are doing that, they can't be listening and they're focused on the service after the sale instead of helping the client solve their problems, it was like, oh yeah, I get that. Okay, let's look at the rest of them. So anyway, well, at working with them for about a year and a half and, great results.

00:20:14:14 - 00:20:27:09
Rocky Lagrone
But yeah, you're so right, Craig. It's, it's what are we thinking about versus were they thinking about. And we need to be thinking about what they're thinking about, not what we're thinking about.

00:20:27:11 - 00:20:39:14
Craig Andrews
You know, you know somebody else can. Going back to Roy Williams, somebody that's in Roy's world is, Do you know the Eisenberg's Brian and Jeffrey Eisenberg?

00:20:39:16 - 00:20:42:11
Rocky Lagrone
I've heard of them. I've never met.

00:20:42:13 - 00:20:50:07
Craig Andrews
So Brian says you won't achieve your goals until your customer achieves theirs.

00:20:50:09 - 00:21:18:19
Rocky Lagrone
bingo. Yeah. And I'm a firm believer that we can't get what we want out of life until we help other people get what they want. And as soon as we put others first and we help them get what they want, everything will come to us, you know? And especially in that advertising media world, the salespeople churn, you know, average lifespan might be 18 months.

00:21:18:21 - 00:21:40:08
Rocky Lagrone
They get an account list, they go call on them. They just repeat the business. They don't expand it. They don't try to really help modify by they don't really, you know, it's more about, oh, we have a Super Bowl package coming up, y'all. Everybody go sell this. And we worked in that world for a long time with a lot of different radio, TV and newspaper and other media outlets.

00:21:40:08 - 00:22:03:24
Rocky Lagrone
And they're all the same. They're very incestuous and when you look at what Roy has done in that media world, just an icon and obviously all the stuff I learned from him, I was able to take and, you know, really kind of help these, sales teams to look at it from a diff perspective. You know, it's not just, hey, what does it cost?

00:22:03:24 - 00:22:25:16
Rocky Lagrone
And how much is my spot? It's what are you trying to do with your business? And how are you really looking at marketing as part of that? So whether it's, you know, advertising or whether it's software or whether it's, you know, distribution or anything else, everybody has a value proposition and all the competitors look and sound the same.

00:22:25:16 - 00:22:37:21
Rocky Lagrone
The difference is, can that individual salesperson help that business owner see something different than they've already seen about their own business and what they could do to improve it?

00:22:37:23 - 00:22:46:01
Craig Andrews
Yeah, yeah. Well, tell me a little bit about your business and what you do and how you help people.

00:22:46:03 - 00:23:09:01
Rocky Lagrone
Well, thanks for asking. I've been waiting all day for that. Yeah. I got into the sales development business kind of by accident. as we talked about a little earlier before the show, I, I took a class, you know, kind of how to win friends and influence people. And I just loved it. It made a huge difference in my life personally.

00:23:09:03 - 00:23:34:07
Rocky Lagrone
I grew tremendously from it, and I wound up going to work with them. And from there kind of capped out a couple, 2 or 3 years later, moved over to a national franchise organization that just focused on sales. That was really kind of where I enjoyed working with organizations. that was back in 95. And then from there, did really well, but I kind of needed to do something different.

00:23:34:07 - 00:24:00:20
Rocky Lagrone
Started a sales recruiting business, nationalized that franchise that that was called Sales Kingdom. Then we sold that and went kind of focus back on just the sales development world. But we've always helped our clients with, you know, identifying and attracting and interviewing and onboarding and keeping stronger salespeople because that revenue engine is what makes the business work.

00:24:00:22 - 00:24:32:02
Rocky Lagrone
And, you know, working with sales teams, there's always going to be somebody coming or going. And that's disruptive to the business and organizations just don't know how to do that. They tend to hire people like they hire our salespeople, like to hire anybody else, and that just doesn't work. So we spent a lot of time with organizations, not only in sales development and helping them really take their team to the next level and grow ten, 20, 30%, sometimes more.

00:24:32:04 - 00:25:00:01
Rocky Lagrone
and the key to that is really the the leadership's ability to hold people accountable. And if they're not willing to do that, then it's a waste of time and money. And I don't mean hard core, you know, you must do this big brother's looking over your shoulder and bullying people. It's really helping individuals see their own path forward and raising the bar for them and helping them, and then helping them see the company as the vehicle to them accomplish what they want in their personal life.

00:25:00:03 - 00:25:30:16
Rocky Lagrone
And when you can make that marriage, man, it's wonderful. And then, of course, on the sales hiring side, we're always looking to help companies raise the bar for that. So anything on the sales side of the business, we really help people with, we're obviously have a different perspective. After working with all the different businesses and people and models, we kind of are able to take the best practices from others and apply it and shortcut that cycle to success.

00:25:30:16 - 00:25:50:13
Rocky Lagrone
I mean, most of the people I work with are going to be successful anyway, but can you get there faster? Can we be a catalyst? Can we give you the tools to keep you from going through trial and error and having costly mistakes? And that's really where we focus. Typically, you know, any business that we're in, it's not we get the question a lot.

00:25:50:13 - 00:26:15:03
Rocky Lagrone
Crickets. What kind of companies do you work with? Well to me it's not the kind of company. It's the mindset of the leader. And if the leader is really looking to grow and they believe that their sales organization is what's going to help them get to the next level, get through that transition, whatever it is, help them exit faster with more, then those are the kind of people we work with.

00:26:15:03 - 00:26:38:07
Rocky Lagrone
Sometimes it's the underdog of the market. sometimes it's the, you know, global company that, you know, needs to get by on the same page. So it varies. And that's what I love about doing this. Every day is different. Every business is different. Every business leader is different. And to me, that's kind of what makes sales so difficult because there's no two selling situations exactly alike.

00:26:38:07 - 00:26:51:20
Rocky Lagrone
So you can't apply, you know, like an accounting, you can't go, okay, this is the program. These are the tools. This is the columns. You know, engineering. You've got the people factor and people are messy, you know. Yeah. Yeah.

00:26:51:20 - 00:26:54:20
Craig Andrews
So happy I love that people are messy.

00:26:54:22 - 00:26:56:05
Rocky Lagrone

00:26:56:07 - 00:27:08:02
Craig Andrews
Well excellent. well, we need discussion. the, you know, I think people should reach out to you. Where? How did they reach you?

00:27:08:04 - 00:27:37:09
Rocky Lagrone
there's only one rocky road. You can just go to Google, type in Rocky to grown. Or if you can remember, go to WWE Dot Sales Development just a little plug. We just put together a white paper for sales hiring trends for 2024. So if you're in the sales hiring world, we're hosting a webinar tomorrow on the five skills that are required for sales teams to grow in economic and challenging environments.

00:27:37:11 - 00:27:48:10
Rocky Lagrone
so rocky, the grown, you'll only see one online. And then, Craig, it looks like you're kind of wrapping up. So before you do, I want to ask you, what can I do for you?

00:27:48:12 - 00:28:20:10
Craig Andrews
Oh that's awesome. Well, one, you know, I, we, we want the podcast to impact as many lives. So, when this goes live, please, share it. Broad and broadly. And, we're, we're, you know, and, you know, let me answer more directly because I haven't really addressed this live where, you know, the tribe that we're building around, leaders and legacies is about, business owners.

00:28:20:10 - 00:28:45:03
Craig Andrews
We're we're looking to talk to business owners, not not CEOs that were hired by somebody else that's running someone else's company. We're we're talking to business owners that are growing, their businesses and facing the challenges everybody else is facing so they can learn from people like you. Rocky, on the, you know, the real challenges that they're facing.

00:28:45:05 - 00:28:46:08
Craig Andrews
So thank you for.

00:28:46:11 - 00:29:17:02
Rocky Lagrone
Talking about maybe the welding supply company that's looking to, you know, open a third or fourth branch you're looking for, the plumbing organization that's looking to add five more trucks. You're looking for the business owner that somehow developed this crazy software that's starting to take off, and they need resources to continue to help them grow. You're talking about just everyday doors that that really have the desire to build a business.

00:29:17:04 - 00:29:27:04
Craig Andrews
Yeah, exactly. Every day entrepreneurs. Well, and Rocky, thank you for being a part of that that crowd. And thank you for telling that story here on Leaders and Legacies.

00:29:27:06 - 00:29:46:18
Rocky Lagrone
Well, Craig, again, thank you. my hat's off to you with what you're doing. I know that's an underserved market, and, the resources you're providing for them will be great now and to come. And if you add the recordings, obviously people go back and learn stuff that they didn't come to you live. So thank you for all you're doing.

00:29:46:18 - 00:29:47:08
Rocky Lagrone
I appreciate it.