Atiba de Souza is a renowned Super Connector and video content Superman. Atiba shares his revolutionary approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of relationships and networking as the foundation of successful business ventures. His unique method, the CASE method, is highlighted as a...
Craig Andrews
Craig Andrews is a U.S. Marine, turned electrical engineer and mobile phone designer, turned marketer. He's driven over a half-billion dollars in revenue during his career. In 2009, Craig launched his own company which became allies4me. In August, 2021, Craig went spent three months in the hospital and six weeks in a coma when he nearly died. During that time, Craig's team ran allies4me without him. Now Craig shares lessons from the ledge of death and how they apply to both marketing and life.
Kris Kelso is a thought leader in the realms of entrepreneurship and leadership development. Kelso, author of the transformative book "Overcoming the Imposter: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence," dives deep into the heart of impostor syndrome—a phenomenon that silently afflicts...
Cybersecurity expert Christian Espinosa shares his transformative journey from narrowly surviving health crises to redefining leadership in the tech industry. Hosted by Craig Andrews, the conversation delves into how Espinosa's brush with death twice not only heightened his appreciation for life...
Van Carlson is a seasoned expert in risk management, delves into the essence of effective leadership through the lens of his extensive experience. With over 24 years in the field, Carlson's journey from navigating the 2008 financial crisis to tapping into the power of 831(b) tax-deferred plans. He...
Marla Press is the innovative mind behind Speakers on Fire Academy. Marla, a seasoned public speaking coach, delves into the transformative power of effective communication, highlighting how it can dramatically elevate one's influence and presence. She champions the concept that magnetic energy and...
Dr. David Pearce, a seasoned dentist and entrepreneurial coach, unpacks the essence of transcendent leadership and business acumen in the context of dentistry. His narrative is a masterclass in resilience, showcasing how he scaled his practice to the pinnacle of financial success, only to pivot...
Josh Butler is the entrepreneurial force behind Butler Benefits and the High Plains Health Plan. Josh shares his riveting journey from managing a country and western nightclub to revolutionizing healthcare in northern Texas. He reveals his innovative health plan that offers $0 deductibles and...
In this enlightening podcast, Brandon Gettert delves into the crucial interplay between leadership and cybersecurity. His journey from a tech enthusiast to a cybersecurity expert underscores the essence of adaptive leadership in today’s fast-evolving digital landscape.
In this compelling podcast episode, Wendy Pace delves into her entrepreneurial journey, shaped by her dual role as a mother and a business leader. Facing the challenges of her daughter's health condition head-on, Wendy transformed her life’s hurdles into a beacon of innovation and leadership.
In this enlightening episode, Cesar Castro delves into the transformative power of storytelling in leadership. He articulates how strategic narratives can significantly impact persuasion, motivation, and lasting influence.